
Wemo App: Dark Mode

I’m up in the middle of the night. I need to walk to another room of the house. I go to use the Wemo app to remotely turn on lights, so I don’t wake my wife by turning on the lights in our bedroom. Unfortunately, when I open the app, I’m greeted with a whole screen of white. It hurts my eyes, and my wife stirs in her sleep. Dark mode is nothing new, and a light switch app is all about keeping things light or dark at the appropriate time.

Wemo app is almost purely white.

Bonus rant: Wemo switches need a dark mode themselves. When they’re off, they still have a white glowing circle on them. That’s fine for common areas of the house to make them easier to find in the dark. But in the bedroom, I need a setting to turn that light on the switch off, so I can sleep in a dark room. My workaround has been white electrical tape to cover it, but that’s a ridiculous solution.


Removing Adobe Bonjour CS3 to fix Gateway Address (I hate Adobe)

In my top 100 things that piss me off is Adobe. I think their motto is “Mistreat Your Users.”

I found hundreds of pages on this issue, but only one full solution (and it wasn’t from Adobe) to remove Adobe Bounjour installed with CS3 which causes network problems. Thank you to Raine at TechArena Community. Reposted here just in case: